Monday, November 14, 2011

Ministry Update - 11/14/11

Good Afternoon Parents!!

Some of this week's update will deal with ALIVE, but I encourage you to read through everything just to make sure that you're not missing any important info.  :)  If your child is not going to ALIVE, please remember to pray for the group going - that God would do some incredible things in the lives of our middle school students.

1) No Small Groups on Wed. 11/23

Due to Thanksgiving being the next day, I figure that some folks may be traveling, etc, so we will not be meeting at all on this Wednesday night.  Groups will resume on the following Wednesday, 11/30.

2) There is Middle School Service this Sunday, 11/20
Adrienne Cave will be leading the middle school service this weekend for those that are not going to ALIVE.  If your child is not going to OC, please make sure they still come to service this Sunday @ 11am!

3) Dress Code for ALIVE (optional - for fun)
In case you didn't make it to the ALIVE meeting this past Sunday, we're going to have a theme for each of the services at ALIVE this weekend.  It's completely optional, but I want to encourage as many of our students to participate as possible - just because it will be fun!  Here's the breakdown:

Friday night: Dress like a Rock Star / Rock a Mustache! - Grab your favorite shades, fedora, neck ties, etc and let's kick off the first night of ALIVE in style!
Saturday Morning: Scuba / Water Theme - Dig out your goggles, flippers, beach towels, swimmies, snorkels, etc and let's carry the theme of "submerge"!
Saturday Night: Wear Orange and/or Blue - These are our youth group colors, and we want everyone wearing them proudly for Saturday night.  We will be taking a group picture after the service, and we want to all be representing Submerge!  Feel free to be creative - hair, glow necklaces, shirts, glasses, hats, etc.
Sunday morning: PJs / Plaid / Superhero - Roll out of bed and into the Convention Center in your favorite Pajamas, Plaid, or Superhero attire and let's end the weekend with a bang!
4) ALIVE Forms & Final Payments
IF you have not turned in a permission slip for your child or the final payment, please make sure you do so ASAP so I can make sure that I have all of the necessary copies before we leave on Friday.
5) Departing Time
Please remember, we are leaving for Ocean City at 1pm on Friday.  Please make sure your child has eaten lunch before arriving at the church by 12:30pm.

If you have any questions about ALIVE or anything else, please let me know!  I'm looking forward to a great weekend!!

Again, please pray for the students & leaders that are going, and that this weekend becomes a huge catalyst for the future of Submerge!

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