Monday, April 30, 2012

ministry update - 4/30/12

Submerge Parents & Leaders!!

Here are the updates for this week!

1) Drama Practice - The last Wednesday for Drama Practice will be on May 23.  The group will pick back up & restart in September, once School kicks back into gear.

2) Volleyball Practice - Starting in June, I will be having "practice" for anyone interested in learning how to play volleyball during the summer.  I will be alternating each week between middle school & high school students, in order to keep the groups more manageable to work with.  The dates for middle school practice will be June 13, July 11, & July 25.  Please note: this is for students who want to seriously learn how to play the game - not for anyone that just wants to "have fun".  :)  There will still be "casual" volleyball games after 8pm on Wednesdays during the summer.

3) Guy's Overnighter - Friday, May 11 is a overnight activity for only middle school boys.  Cost for the night is $20 and includes movie ticket, pizza, & drinks/snacks.  **Anyone not going to the movie, only needs to pay $10 & can meet us at the church around 10pm**  Items needed include: sleeping bag, pillow, nerf gun (typically $10-$15), and any personal video game equipment that students may want to bring (consoles, games, controllers, etc. - please have them clearly mark which equipment belongs to them before arrival).

Currently, here is the schedule for the night:

5:30-6pm     Meet at the church & drop off gear
6pm              Load up & head to Westminster Mall
TBA             See "Marvel: Avengers"(optional)
10pm           Arrive back at Crosswind
10:30pm-8am   Nerf Wars, Video Games, & Sleep!!

Movie reviews for "Avengers" can be found at the two following links:

PLEASE have your child sign up for this activity by Wednesday, May 9 in order to make sure everyone gets a ticket for the movie & there are enough snacks/drinks for everyone.

4) Deeper 1.3 - This Wednesday, our Submerge small groups will be participating in Deeper 1.3 instead of meeting together for discussion.

 Please let me know if you have any questions!!  Have a great week!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

ministry update - 4/24/12

Hello parents & leaders!  Here is this week's Submerge Update!!

1) Gurly/Burly Night - We are still working out the details of this night, but here's what we know: we're going to keep things simple & only have an easy activity for Friday night, May 11.  The guys will probably be going to see the movie, "The Avengers" & we don't know exactly what the girls will be doing just yet.  More details will be given out as soon as things are nailed down.

2) Parent Meeting - Due to a lack of response for the Parent Meeting/Lunch that was scheduled for Sunday, April 29 @ 12:30pm, we will instead be meeting on the same day (this coming Sunday) at 10:15am in the Youth Chapel.  I will be sharing the game plan for our summer activities as well as a look ahead into the events planned for the next school year.  Please do your best to make it to this meeting!

3) Youth Camp - Applications are out & available for the summer camp held in Emmittsburg, MD from July 14-18 (ages 12-17).  If anyone is interested in going this year, please pick up an application this week!  The deadline for the early bird rate ($175) is Friday, May 11 & will need to be mailed in to the Camp Office that is marked on the application.  I personally recommend that this camp only be attended by students who are at least currently in 7th grade, given the age range of the entire camp.  Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about this activity. 

Please note: This is an optional activity - students from our church will be attending Camp, but we will not be recruiting chaperones or "officially" organizing a group.  It is the parent/guardian's responsibility to work out the details for all applications & transportation.  We would love to know if your child will be participating, but we will not be handling application deadlines & travel arrangements.

I think that's everything....for now!  :)  I hope everyone has a great week!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

ministry update - 4/17/12

Hey parents!  Here's the latest update for what's going on in Submerge...

1) Parent's Meeting/Lunch - Sunday, April 29 @ 1pm
I realize that this meeting is just under two weeks away, but I realized that I need to try to get with everyone and explain our summer calendar & begin sharing some vision for the Fall (just so everyone can know what to expect).  I will take care of ordering some subs/sandwiches so that everyone won't have to worry about needing to grab lunch after church.  If you can make it, please RSVP back to my email & let me know how many will be coming with you (spouse & children included).

2) Crosswind Serving Day - Saturday, May 5
Our church is doing a community wide serving day and we want you & your family to be a part of it!!  What better way to teach the children & youth in our church about the need for serving the community, then by being a part of it as a family?!  You can sign up for various projects & opportunities by stopping by Guest Services this weekend & speaking with Matt & Erin Lamb.  Our goal for the weekend is to have over 200 volunteers from Crosswind going out into the Westminster Community & showing them the serving heart of our church!

3) Gurly/Burly Night - Friday, May 11
We will be doing two separate activities on this night - one for the girls & one for the boys.  The exact details of the night have not yet been finalized, but I will let you know as we get closer.  The cost for this activity will probably be around $20 or less per student.

That's everything for now.  I hope everyone has a great week!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

ministry update - 4/10/12

Hello Parents & Leaders,

What an incredible weekend we had at Crosswind Church!  We broke an attendance record with 1,015 people this year & around 19 of which that made commitments to accept Christ as their Savior!!!!  God is truly doing some amazing things at our church, so let's keep spreading the word!  :)

Here are just a few quick updates for Submerge for this week:

1) YFC Lock-In, Friday, April 13
- Youth For Christ is hosting an all night middle school lock-in at the YMCA in Hanover, PA this coming Friday night from 11:30pm to 6:30am.  We will be meeting at Crosswind at 10pm & will return for parent pick-up by 7:30am. Cost is $10.  So far we have 7 students that have signed up: Kyle Mathias (paid), Grace McKinney (paid), Courtney Sarem, Brandon & Dylan Waltemeyer, Mike McCreary, & Shaun Martin.  If your child is planning on attending, please let me know ASAP - I only have room for 6 more students.

2) Leader's Meeting
- There will be a leader's meeting for all current & interested volunteers this Sunday at 1:00pm at the Pizza Hut in Westminster.  We will be discussing some of the upcoming events as well as the game plan for the summer calendar.  Please RSVP to me whether or not you can make it, so I can give Pizza Hut a head count.

3) Upcoming Lessons (Sundays) - Here is a list of the upcoming themes that we will be focusing on in our Middle School Services during the next several weeks:
4/15 - Bullying
4/22 - A Changed Heart (opening ourselves to God's Word)
4/29 - A Changed Mind (guarding our thoughts)
5/6 - A Changed Walk (becoming like Christ)
5/13 - A Changed World (being the right kind of influence)

4) Upcoming Small Groups (Wednesdays) - Here is the plan for our small groups for the next several weeks:
4/11 - Healthy Friendships
4/18 - Deeper 1.3
4/23 - Wise Choices
5/2 - Deeper 1.3
5/9 - Wise Choices
5/16 - Wise Choices
5/23 - Wise Choices
5/30 - No Small Groups

That's everything for now - have a great week!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Ministry Update - 4/2/12

Here are this week's updates. Have a great week!!

No Small Groups - Due to the busy Easter weekend, there will NOT be any middle school small groups (or Deeper 1.3) this coming Wednesday, April 4. Instead, we would like everyone to come out as a family to our Good Friday service on April 6 @ 7pm.  *Please note: Portside is still having a sleepover for the high school students on Wednesday night until 9am Thursday morning.*

YFC Lock-In - So far we have 6 students signed up for the All Night Lock-In held at the Hanover YMCA on Friday, April 13.  If anyone else is interested in going, I need to know by Easter Sunday so I can arrange for transportation.  Cost is $10.  More info regarding the schedule for the night will be available soon.

Easter Services - Please remember that there will be NO middle or high school services for Easter weekend.  Please enjoy the celebration with your family during one of our three services: Sat @ 4:30pm, Sun @ 9 & 11am.

Easter Eggs - If anyone is interested, we need some help counting & sorting Easter Eggs this Wednesday night starting at 6:30pm in the Youth Chapel.  We should not need to go any later than 8pm, so please make sure that anyone who is dropped off is picked up by that time.

That's it!