Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Ministry Update - 8/24/11

I just have a quick update for you...

1) Youth Revival Service - This Sunday is the trip to Phoenix, MD (right outside of Hunt Valley) for a special youth service.  There will be several different churches represented and it will be a great way to kick off the new school year.  If your child can participate (and any friends), please let me know ASAP so I can work out travel arrangements for everyone.  We are leaving the church at 5:30 and should return around 11pm (if the arrival time is a concern, please let me know).  The only cost is a few bucks for food if we get the chance to stop somewhere on the way home.

2) Pizza Party - To kickoff our Fall Small Groups, we are going to have a Pizza Party on Wednesday, September 7 @ 7pm.  This will be a great chance for students to start to see who their small group leaders are going to be, hang out with friends, and have a lot of fun! 

3) Fall / Winter Events - If you have not received a Coming Events Packet, you can pick on up on Sunday (I will have them available at the sign-in table).  Please make sure you get one, so you can start preparing for our upcoming trips.  Once you get your packet, please hand in the Participation & Payment Form so I can start to get an idea of how many students will be attending each event.  I specifically need to know who can participate in The Big Day of Serving (in Frederick on Oct. 8) by Sept. 7.

4) Parent Meeting - I will be having a Parent Meeting on Sunday, September 11 @ 9:30am in the Youth Chapel.  This meeting will only last an hour, and I will be covering in more detail the Fall & Winter events, as well as other activities on the calendar.  Please try your best to make it to this meeting.  If you can RSVP back to me, that will help me make sure I have enough materials for everyone.

That's it for now!  Thanks for your continued support of Submerge.  As always, if you have any questions about any of the events or details of our ministry, please let me know.


Monday, August 15, 2011

Ministry Update - 8/15/11

Hello Parents & Leaders!

Now that VBS is behind us, I found myself with a few moments to breathe and shoot out a quick Middle School update.

1) Pool Party -  This Saturday, August 20 from 12-4pm @ Adrienne's house.  Dress Code: Boys wear swim trunks & t-shirts, Girls wear a one-piece swim suit if you have it, or a t-shirt (not white) over your swim suit if you don't.  If you can drop off your child & pick them up from Adrienne's, that would be the best scenario, but if you are unable to do that, I will have a limited amount of space with me in the van.  If your child needs to ride with me: a) let me know soon so I can make sure I have room in the van, b) have them at the church by 11am, c) pick them up from the church by 4:45pm.  There is currently a 30% chance of rain that day, so I will keep you posted as we get closer to the event.

2) Youth Revival - Sunday, August 28 @ 6:30pm.  There is a special Youth Service happening at a church in Phoenix, MD at the end of this month (and right before school starts).  The Guest Speaker is good friend of mine, Anthony Braswell -  the same speaker that was at Youth Camp back in July (for those that went).  This will be a great way to kick-off the beginning of the school year and to give our students a "spiritual re-charge" before they head back to the classrooms.  Please let me know if your child would like to go so that i can make sure I have transportation worked out for everyone.

3) Small Groups - Don't forget, there are no Wednesday night groups for Middle School until September 7!  Enjoy the next few weeks of the summer before life gets "back to normal" (at least I hope it does!)

4) Parent's Meeting - I am going to move the date of the Parent's Meeting until sometime in September (NOT August 28).  I know that everyone will be busy getting things ready for school to start, and the last things most of us want is another meeting to go to.  :)  Stay tuned for the updated time & day of the meeting.

That's it for now!

Pastor Mark

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Ministry Update - 8/3/2011

I just wanted to let you know about a few really quick things:

1) Communion Sunday - This Sunday is the first Sunday in August, so there will be Communion in the main sanctuary during our services.  Please remember that your child or middle school student should sit with you during worship & communion, and they will be dismissed during the announcements to head back to the youth chapel (kids will head down to the kid's chapel).

2) Wednesday Small Groups - Tonight is the last week we will meet on Wednesdays until after school starts.  We will start our small groups back up again on Wednesday, September 7 & 7pm.

3) Parent Meeting - I am tentatively planning a Parent Meeting for Sunday, August 28 @ 10am in the Oasis Room.  I will have copies of the calendar for the new school year as well as a list of different events & activities that will be going on throughout the year.  Please mark your calendars now for this date.  If it does not happen at 10am, it will be a luncheon that will take place right after the 11am service.

4) Pool Party - We are having a middle school pool party on Saturday, August 20 from 12-4pm at Adrienne's house in Westminster.  Please mark your calendars for this date too!

That's it!  See you this weekend!

Pastor Mark

Monday, August 1, 2011

Bowling Details

This coming Wednesday will be our LAST Wednesday evening group until after school starts (in less than a month - parents may now rejoice). To celebrate, we are going to go bowling at the Thunderhead alley in Taneytown.  Here is the schedule for the night:

5:45pm            Meet at Crosswind
6:00pm            Leave for Thunderhead
6:30-8pm        Bowling
8:00pm            Head back to Crosswind
8:30pm            Parent Pick Up

If any of you are able to help drive/transport kids over, that would be super great - since the high school ministry has the van down in TN for the week.  If you can help drive, please let me know so I know how much room we have available (I will even pay for your bowling!)  Thunderhead has great prices on Wednesdays throughout the summer, so your child will only need about $10.

$3.00 for shoe rental
$1.00 per game
$1.00 per slice of pizza
$1.00 for drinks (i believe)

We plan on playing at least 2 games, so make sure your child has at least $5 to cover those costs.  Food & drinks can obviously be optional since we're only going to be there for an hour and a half.  Try to let me know if your child will be going, so I can try to make sure we enough vehicles for transportation.  If you have any questions, let me know!