Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ministry Update - 2/22/12

There's a lot to cover this week, so I'm just going to jump right in!

1) Upcoming Events
Friday, March 2 - Baltimore Blast Game w/ Ashes Remain concert ($20 plus money for food/snacks)
Wednesday, March 7 - Deeper 1.3 & Water Baptism
Sunday, April 1 - April Fool's Service
Sunday, April 8 - Easter Sunday!!
Friday, April 13 - YFC Lock-In @ Hanover YMCA ($10)

2) Water Baptisms
If anyone (or your child) is interested in being baptized, we are doing baptisms at the next Deeper 1.3 on March 7.  Our middle school students already participate in this service on the first Wednesday of every month, so it's the perfect opportunity if any of them haven't been baptized yet.  Please let me know if your child is interested, so I can talk with them about it.

3) Dateable Debrief - Part 5
This coming Sunday we will be wrapping our series on dating & relationships.  I will be highlighting all of the key points from the last 4 weeks, as well as re-emphasizing all of the main points that I brought up in the Parent Email that was sent out at the end of January.  My three main points will be: 1) Singleness is a gift, 2) Set proper boundaries, 3) Focus on the friendship.  Please make sure you are setting aside time to process with your child about the things we are discussing, and helping them work out the appropriate boundaries, guidelines, & expectations that you have for their dating habits.

4) Next Series - Who is The Holy Spirit
Starting in March, we will be looking deeper into the Holy Spirit - who He is, what He does, how He helps us today, & what the baptism of the Holy Spirit is all about.  Please pray with us as we seek to give our students a solid understanding of the crucial role of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives.

5) Wednesday Pick-Up
Just as a reminder, our Wednesday night small groups are over at around 8:15pm.  Please make sure your child is picked up by at least 8:30pm, so that the building can be completely locked down for the night by 8:45pm.

If you have any questions about any of the items discussed in this week's post, please send us an email or comment in the section provided below this post.  I hope everyone has a great week!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Ministry Update - 2/14/12

Good Afternoon Parents & Leaders!!

Here is your weekly update for what's going on in Submerge!

Calendars / Upcoming Events
If you haven't already picked up a calendar, you can grab one before or after small groups or our Sunday service.  Please make sure your student(s) sign up for any upcoming activities at the check-in table before & after any of our scheduled services.  Here's the next few events on the line up:

Monday, Feb. 20 - Ice Skating @ Reisterstown Sports Complex from 12-3:30pm.  Cost: $15
Friday, March 2 - Baltimore Blast Game w/ Ashes Remain Concert.  Cost: $20
Friday, April 13 - YFC Lock-In @ Hanover YMCA.  Cost: $10

Hoodies & Jackets
I have only heard back from 2 people that are interested in a Submerge hoodie or jacket!  If anyone is else is interested, please let me know ASAP.  I am willing to order more , but there have to be at least 10 people interested.  This can be a great way to support our ministry & help get our name out in the community.  The price per sweatshirt is going to be around $25.  These sweatshirts will be open to ANYONE - students, parents, family members, etc!  If you would like one, please email me what size(s) you need, as well as whether or not you would like a full hoodie or a zip-up jacket.

Dateable Debriefing - Part 4
This Sunday will be part 4 of our "Dateable" Series.  We will be discussing the principle: "If I will do it for you, I will do it to you", and will look at the character issues that often show up in relationships.  Students will be challenged to evaluate the integrity of their friends, by paying attention to how they treat others.  This principle not only shows itself out in dating relationships, but in everyday relationships as well.  Please make time to discuss this idea with your child at some point next week, so they can have some follow through on the challenge.

Focus Group Meeting - Feb. 17 @ 7pm
This Friday we are having a Focus Group Meeting in the main auditorium to discuss constructive opinions & thoughts about how Crosswind can be more effective as a church. This is your chance to share your thoughts. Everyone will have an opportunity to share. Everyone will be involved. Your participation will help guide our Church Health Team and Leadership as we develop and implement strategies for the future. This is your chance to have input. This is a big deal…and we both want and need you to be here.

As always, if you have any questions about any of the events or topics, please do not hesitate to contact me.  Have a great week!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Ministry Update - 2/8/12

Happy Wednesday Everyone!

Just a few quick things to update you on...

Inclement Weather
Due to the potential for inclement weather, we will be cancelling all evening activities at Crosswind tonight (Feb. 8) - this includes small groups for Submerge & Portside.  The weather advisory states:


Because many of our members live off of back roads in Carroll County or commute from long distances, it is safer to cancel our activities all together.  Please stay home & enjoy time with your family tonight.

Upcoming Events
There are a few upcoming events that I want to make sure you get onto your calendars.  Please make sure your student(s) sign up for any activities at the check-in table before & after any of our scheduled services.

Monday, Feb. 20 - Ice Skating @ Reisterstown Sports Complex from 12-3pm.  Cost: $15
Friday, March 2 - Baltimore Blast Game w/ Ashes Remain Concert.  Cost: $20
Friday, April 13 - YFC Lock-In @ Hanover YMCA.  Cost: $10

Hoodies & Jackets
If anyone is interested in ordering a Submerge hooded sweatshirt or zip-up jacket (similar to the ones that were given to those who participated in Winter Meltdown), please let me know.  I am considering ordering more if there are enough people interested.  This can be a great way to support our ministry & help get our name out in the community.  The price per sweatshirt is going to be around $25.  These sweatshirts will be open to ANYONE - students, parents, family members, etc!  If you would like one, please email me what size(s) you need, as well as whether or not you would like a full hoodie or a zip-up jacket.

Dateable Debriefing - Part 3
This Sunday will be the third part of our "Dateable" Series.  We will be discussing the principle: "How it begins is how it will end", and will look at how typical relationships start & finish.  Students will be challenged to focus on answering the question, "How do I want to be remembered" so they can make sure to build the proper boundaries & guidelines within a relationship.  How they act & the choices they make will affect how they are remembered by the other person - if we teach them to "begin with the end in mind", it will help them to think through the decisions they make.  Please make time to discuss this idea with your child at some point next week, so they can have some follow through on the challenge.

That's everything for this week!  Make sure to "like" our facebook page ( to stay current on daily updates & announcements!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Ministry Update - 2/2/12

Hello Parents & Leaders!

Here is the full ministry update for Submerge:

Super Bowl Sunday
In light of the end of the football season, I want to encourage everyone to wear their favorite sports team jersey or shirt this Sunday.  It's just a fun way to show team pride & who doesn't want an excuse to pull out their football jersey one last time?!

Hoodies & Jackets
If anyone is interested in ordering a Submerge hooded sweatshirt or zip-up jacket (similar to the ones that were given to those who participated in Winter Meltdown), please let me know.  I am considering ordering more if there are enough people interested.  This can be a great way to support our ministry & help get our name out in the community.  The price per sweatshirt is going to be around $25.  These sweatshirts will be open to ANYONE - students, parents, family members, etc!  If you would like one, please email me what size(s) you need, as well as whether or not you would like a full hoodie or a zip-up jacket.

Ice Skating - February 20, 12-3pm
Monday, Feb. 20 is President's Day, and I am organizing a trip to the Reisterstown Sports Complex.  Cost will be about $15 & will cover skate rentals & admission.  Students will need extra money if they wish to get anything from the Concession Stand.

Dateable Debriefing
This Sunday will be our second part of the "Dateable" Series.  We will be discussing the dangers of getting too involved (emotionally, financially, etc) into relationships, & how the typical model of dating actually sets us up for a pattern of divorce in the future.  Our focus will again be on building better friendships with those around us, and setting proper "space" boundaries.  In order to get the most out of this series, please make sure you are discussing with your child the topics that we are addressing, & use it as a platform for helping them build appropriate guidelines in their relationships.

Offering Wars!
During the month of February, we are doing an "offering war" between the boys & girls - the winning group at the end of the month will receive a pizza party!!  Currently, the boys are winning with a whopping $2!  Please help build excitement during these "wars" & help your child see the importance of giving finances to God (as worship).

That's it for this week!  I hope everyone has a great weekend!!  Please keep the high school ministry in prayer, as they will be at a conference in Ocean City all weekend.  It will be exciting to hear all that God will do in their lives this weekend.